Arena Jump Saddle with HART
We love the Arena Jump Saddle because the beautiful leather will keep you and your horse riding in comfort.
Whether training at your barn or competing in the ring, you will appreciate the balanced and supportive seat on the flat and over the fences. You will effortlessly maintain your correct position, while turning heads in a saddle designed with fine attention to detail, complementing your meticulous turnout.
- Beautiful detail
- European leather
- Quality workmanship
- Moveable knee blocks
- Generous panel
HART: Horse and Rider Technology that promises a transformative power for your position and your horse’s complete freedom of movement.
- EASY-CHANGE® Fit Solution: The EASY-CHANGE Gullet System and the EASY_CHANGE Riser System offer a total fitting solution for the horse’s absolute comfort.
- CAIR® Cushion System: Air constantly adapts to the horse’s working muscles distributing their weight evenly, virtually eliminating pressure points.
- Elastiflex® Tree: Maintains clearance over the horse’s wither with superior lateral flexion that works with the horse’s muscular movement with every stride.
- Performance panel technology: Designed to ensure a large footprint on the horse’s back, maximize the weight-bearing surface of the saddle, and resulting in a reduction of pressure.
- Comfort seat technology: Multi-layered foams for exacting densities for instantaneous comfort and support for optimal position.