Dead Fowl Pheasant
Tom Dokken has put his many years of training champion dogs to great use when he created and designed these training dummies. These areas are realistic as possible and great for getting dogs accustomed to retrieving dead birds. The Dead Fowl Trainer’s body is made of soft, natural-feel foam that will not sink, even when punctured. The hard, free-swinging head disciplines unwanted aggressive shaking by delivering a sharp wrap to the snout of the dog. The hard feet and head also ensure that the dog will learn a secure body hold and discourages hard mouthing. With a natural dead bird weight and internal scenting, this training aid is the most accurate simulation of a dead pheasant yet!
Approximate Size: 18″ x 5″ | Approximate Weight: 1.25 lbs
Dead Fowl Trainer Internal Scent System (sold separately)
To internally scent your Dead Fowl Trainer, inject the training scent into the middle of the foam duck body in six different locations using the Dokken’s Dead Fowl Scent Injector or a syringe. The foam body is designed to hold the training scent whether using the dummy in or out of the water. 1/2 to 3/4 ounce of training scent is sufficient for good training.
To Deodorize Your Dokken Deadfowl Trainer:
Combine 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, a squirt of dish soap, and enough warm water to cover your dummy (up to a 1/2 gallon if needed). Soak the dummy overnight, rinse off the next day and set it out in the sun to dry.